Minggu, 04 November 2012

How to Clean the Lungs From Tar Contained in Cigarette Smoke - Some Simple Effective Tips

Cigarette smoking has widely been accepted as the root cause of many long term health disease. Lung disease, mouth cancer, blood cancer and virtually any health problem can be related to smoking.

If you tend to smoke inside your home you will have noticed the brown tar and nicotine that fills the air around you. Your walls and furniture are a testament to the chemicals that are released from smoking. That same tar is filled in your lungs and it's airways that cause something known as obstructive and restrictive lung disease. The airways to your lungs become blocked, you experience breathlessness, severe coughing and the chances of developing severe lung disease is very high.

There are some simple tips to clean tar out of a cigarette smokers lungs.

1. It is very obvious, stop smoking right now. Smoking is not an addiction, it's a habit. The best way to clean the lungs from tar is to quit smoking. Once you give up smoking, your lungs will naturally begin the cleansing process getting rid of toxins and other impurities.

2. Change your diet to a more healthy one. Try eating vegetables and fruits. To help improve your lungs health, consume more garlic, onion, ginger, green tea and water. The healthier the lungs become, the more likely they will fight off toxins.

3. Start exercising more. Cardiovascular and resistance exercise help with the increase of blood flow. This aids in cleaning out toxins from the lungs.

4. Start drinking more green and herbal tea. The herbs found in tea include fenugreek, fennel, cardamom and thyme act as antioxidants to the lungs.

5. Drink more water. Water helps cleanse the body and get rid of unwanted toxins. You will notice more mucous being released from the lungs when you consume more water.

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